Language Services (Meta)

Language Services (Meta)


End Client: Meta
Industries: ICT, Social Media
Services: Translation, Editing, Proofreading (TEP), Machine Translation Post-Editing (MTPE), Translation Only
Languages: English-Samoan, Tok Pisin, Fujian, Tongan, Hindi, Kachin
Content: User-Generated Content, Content for AI Training

About Meta

Meta, formerly known as Facebook, is a global leader in social media and digital communication technologies. The company's platform enables billions of users to connect, share, and communicate across diverse networks and applications, continually pushing the boundaries of digital engagement and AI technology.

Client's Requirements

Meta needed to assess the equivalence of meaning between text pairs and evaluate the quality of translations—whether produced by humans or machines—particularly for machine learning purposes. This required precise translation services and rigorous quality evaluations.


Tight Deadlines: The project demanded rapid turnaround times, which posed a significant challenge in meeting accelerated timelines.

Scarce Language Pairs and Finding Professional Linguists: Meta’s project involved rare language combinations, making it challenging to source experienced translators proficient in those languages.

Diverse Range of Services: The project encompassed various services including standard translation, machine learning training, and machine translation evaluation, each requiring specialized expertise and adaptability.

Our Solutions

Streamlining Processes for Common Language Pairs: Dr.Localize optimized its team composition and project management practices, which allowed for efficient handling of tasks associated with common language pairs, reducing time spent on progress monitoring.

Expanding Resources for Rare and New Language Pairs: To meet the increased demand for rare languages, the project team collaborated with HR and VM teams to accelerate the recruitment process, doubling the resources in a short timeframe. They increased progress checks to up to four times the normal rate to ensure successful management of new languages and teams.

Creating Dedicated Teams for Different Services: To maintain clarity and prevent confusion, Dr.Localize segregated its workforce based on the specific services provided. In scenarios with limited resources, the team was divided into two groups: translation and evaluation, with greater emphasis placed on translation. Pre-project meetings were organized to reinforce service expectations and provide clear guidelines, ensuring alignment and awareness among team members.


The strategic arrangements enabled the timely completion of projects within the stipulated deadlines, leading to client satisfaction